Omnideck installed at RIC, DFKI in Bremen, Germany

Omnifinity is proud to unveil our latest installation of an Omnideck system at the Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) in Bremen, Germany — a division of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH).
RIC is an impressive organisation that focuses their research on complex tasks on land, under water, in the air and in space. Two examples of their research is the “Upper body Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) for tele-operation (CAPIO)” (left), together with the robot “AILA — a mobile dual-arm robot system” (right).

The Omnideck will initially be used for remote control of various construction equipment while the user is fitted with an exoskeleton — enabling the user to receive e.g. force feedback of the operation from a remote location.
We are very exited about the project and are looking forward to contributing to their research in robotics and artificial intelligence using our system.
For more info please visit the Robotics Innovation Center at the DFKI homepage here: